51 Powerful Ways To Improve Search Engine Ranking


In this guide, you will EXACTLY learn how you can improve search engine ranking in 2020 of your website.

In fact, my website traffic got increased by 66.18% in the past six months by implementing these 51 techniques.


So, if you want to rank quickly in google and want to improve SEO of your website then you are going to love this guide.

1. Produce Evergreen Content

Content is King right ? Everyone knows.

In order to improve search engine ranking, the first thing you should do is focus on CONTENT.

Even Google announced in its latest core update:


If your content is relevant then no matter when someone is read it.

Publishing genuine content helps you to reach more people through organic search result and help you to get long term organic traffic. 

Organic traffic is most helpful in terms of SEO. 

Do you know? It is not necessary to rank all your post.

Sometimes even single post ranking on the first page of Google helps you to rank other posts from your blog.

Therefore, try to publish evergreen content. Even though once in a month.

2. Your Website Should Load Fast

Search engine loves Fast loading websites. Unbelievable? Then you really need to see this

It also enhance user experience and passes positive signal to search engines.

You can test your website using platforms like GTMetrix, Google Page Speed Insights, Pingdom, etc.


I have written a dedicated post how you can speed up WordPress website. Have a look.

Quick overview how you can boost your website performance for SEO.

  • Quality Web Hosting (Siteground would work)
  • Optimize Images (Use Image Optimizer Plugins)
  • Use CDN (Cloudflare is a good choice)
  • Use Cache Plugin (Wp-Rocket is super)
  • Avoid External Scripts (Check with GtMetrix)

3. Focus on Content-Length

As you all know “Content is King“. Therefore, a long written comprehensive guide tends to get higher position and better results in Google search result.

But wait. Always Remember Quality Over Quantity.

In the race of writing long paragraphs don’t compromise the quality of your content.

Let’s have some eye on the study conducted by Ahrefs


As you can see, content with a higher number of words likely gets higher search engine ranking.

Some more study on Content Length:

I would recommend writing a 1200-2500 words article. Because it is more than enough to discuss on any topic and also improves your search engine ranking.


As you can see, longer content also performs better in terms of social sharing. People love to share comprehensive guides.

The other amazing benefit of writing valuable long-length content is that over time you will see you will start ranking on other keywords as well in Google Search results.

4. Use FAQ Schema

FAQ schema will surely help you to improve search engine ranking position.

Many of blogger don’t know about this technique but trust me using FAQs you will rank on many other keywords as well.

4.1 What is FAQ Schema?

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question. If you write any post whether it is product review or affiliate post, you should include some frequently asked question at the end.


4.2 How to Add FAQ?

SEO Plugins like Rank Math offers in-built FAQ schema. You can select FAQ from your editor and simply add it to your post.


Remember, always do keyword research before adding any FAQ to your post.

5. Fix Website Navigation

You must be saying how fixing website navigation can help anyone to improve ranking on Google.

But Yes, this is true. Fixing website navigation helps you to reduce the bounce rate which has a direct impact on SEO.

Remember, Website with high bounce rate tends to get a lower position in Google search results.

Also, having a good navigation or SILO structured website helps all your post to get link juice from the homepage, which helps other posts to rank too.

6. Connect With your Audience

I can bet, if you’re not following this tip of mine, you’re then going to lose your audience.

You should learn how to connect with your audience. Never try to write a blog post just for the shake of money, or some dangling online resource.

Use pronouns like “I” and “We“. This will help you to better connect with your audience and your audience will love to read your content.

Recommended Read: How to Write a Blog Post

7. Optimize Images

Images are sunshine of any blog post.

You should use them carefully else they can increase your website load time which may affect your lead, sales, or search engine ranking.

Avoid using images with high dimensions and large in size.

I personally use images with maximum dimension of 1000×1000 pixels and size of 50kb-100kb.

Use tools like GtMetrix to test webpage speed and to find which image on your page is causing the issue.


Brief overview how you can optimize your images:

  1. Avoid images with high dimensions (2000px and above).
  2. Focus on image size.
  3. Use image optimizer website like CompressPng.
  4. Use WordPress Plugins like ShortPixel.
  5. Use Lazy Load Image (Wp Lazy Load).

8. Distribute Headings

Heading distribution is very crucial part while writing a post and it helps to improve search engine ranking as well.

Why it is necessary?

So, When Google or any other search engine crawls your website then it will check HTML header tags such as H1, H2, H3, H4 in your content to determine the relevancy.

Therefore, you should always use header tags wisely in your content and never mess with them by putting the wrong tag inside.

You can also use SEO-Meta chrome extension to determine header tags order on your webpage.


Always remember to put single H1 heading and other headings like H2, H3 underneath that.

9. Use SEO Friendly Theme

All WordPress themes are not SEO optimized.

It is necessary to choose the best WordPress theme because that will surely help you to gain first-page ranking on Google or other search engines.


What makes a theme SEO friendly?

  • Simple Code
  • Meta Tags
  • Good Schema Markup.

Themes like Generatepress, Divi, Astra, Genesis Framework are well optimized and SEO friendly.

10. Use SEO Tools

SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush help you to analyse your content, keywords, ranking, backlinks, and other stuff.


To improve search engine ranking, you should use SEO tools because they help you to understand the audience and optimize your existing posts.

With the help of SEO tools, you can do plenty of things. Let’s take an example with ahrefs, find the keyword that you already rank for.


Pick that keyword, and analyse that keyword, compare it with your competitors. Things like content, and backlink you can improve to rank higher on Google.


This way you can use SEO tools to improve ranking on Google.

11. Use SEO Plugins

SEO plugins are my favourite, you might be using one of the SEO plugins out of Yoast SEO and RankMath SEO Plugin.

I personally use Rank Math on most of my blogs because it provides many advance feature that you’ll get in Yoast premium.

SEO plugin helps you to create meta description and title for a blog post that means how your post will look like on Google.


Rank Math helps you to set your mobile and desktop previews, FAQ schema.

SEO plugins are well optimized according to the search engine. Also, they help search engines to understand your content.

12. Improve Internal Linking

You must heard of On-Page SEO?

Internal linking is the basic fundamental of On-Page SEO that increases user time on the website and improve ranking on Google as well.

Internal linking is also necessary because it boosts your older post ranking because of link juice getting from newer posts.

You can also follow vice-versa of linking newer post from your older post.

Let’s see benefits of internal linking for SEO:

  • Internal Linking helps spread the link juice.
  • Internal Linking decrease bounce rate.
  • Internal Linking improve page views.
  • Internal Linking helps search engine to crawl better.

13. Add External Links

Now its time to add some external links to your post. You must be wondering how giving backlink to someone else benefits me?

Let me make you understand.

External links are basically of two type i.e DoFollow and NoFollow

  • <a href=”https://www.google.com”> Google Homepage </a>
  • <a href=”https://www.google.com” rel=“nofollow”> Google Homepage </a>

External Links helps you and your readers to better connect with the outer world. You must provide value to your user by linking some good resource out there.


As you know, Google shows the most relevant information to its users and there are almost 200 Ranking factors.

Therefore, external links are excellent metrics for search engines to determine the relevancy of the content.

When you link some other relatable resource online you’ll get direct benefit in term of SEO.

Similarly when someone links to your content that would be cherry on top.

14. Fix Broken Links

Links are good but when they’re broken they can harm your SEO.

Broken links are links which do not exist or permanently moved but they are still on your website.

Broken links may harm your website SEO and user experience because they lead to 404 not found most of the time.


You should fix all internal and external broken link on your website to improve search engine ranking.

Tools like brokenlinkchecker.com help you to determine broken link across your website.

15. Build Quality Backlinks

Backlink is a very hot topic you all know and in some cases a myth also.

Getting backlinks from high authority website definitely improve search engine ranking and it is still a major ranking factor on Google.

As we discussed earlier, backlinks help Google and other search engines to determine the relevancy of the content.

A study shows that the number of referring domain is the major ranking factor. Websites with high referring domain tend to get higher position in search results.


You can use ahrefs free backlink checker to determine no of referring domain and backlinks to your website.


Above is the example of BloggingQna linking to one of my content ultimate guide to google search console.


When people link to you whether they are low authority website or high authority website. No matter, share their content on your social media platform. It will help them to build authority which will later help you in term of SEO.

16. Don’t Link Too Much

Yes, you heard right.

Its good to link other and including outbound links to your posts but doing it too much may harm you SEO.

Google crawlers have a limited quota to crawl a certain page and if you link too much of resources in your post, Google bot will not crawl rest of the URLs (including yours).

Therefore, avoid doing that too much.

Now what to do?

I would suggest, Keep most of your links nofollow. In this case, no link juice and authority is passed to the targeted website.

17. Add No Follow To Affiliate Links

If you’re doing affiliate marketing on your blog or website you must keep those link nofollow.

As I discussed in previous point “Google crawlers have a limited quota to crawl any page”.

You never want Google crawler to crawl your affiliate links that are of no use exhausting the quota. Also, affiliate links don’t have any impact on SEO.

Here is an example of my affiliate link:

  • <a href=”https://thebloggingtime.com/go/bluehost/” rel=”nofollow sponsored”> Buy Bluehost Hosting </a>

Above link clearly shows, that the link is sponsored and not to be followed.

18. Fix Your Permalink Structure

Permalinks are permanet links of your website’s page or post.

You should never change them once published also the structure of your permalink must be meaningful.

I would suggest keeping your permalinks short and descriptive.

If you’re using WordPress then you must find below options under your settings from where you can change the structure of permalinks.


As per the recommendation of expert bloggers, you should avoid using date format in your permalink to improve search engine ranking on Google.

Using date format to the URL may outrank your content because over the year it shows that the content is old and no more relevant.


Things to Avoid in Permalink:

  • Date and Number Format.
  • Long String.
  • Avoid Stop Words such as is“, “with“, “in“, “to“, “the, etc.

Things to Remember:

  • Add Targeted Keyword to the URL.
  • Keep It Short.
  • Keep It Meaningful.

19. Configure Your Sitemap

Sitemaps are very crucial to improve search engine ranking.

Search Engines like Google and Bing uses sitemaps to understand the structure of your Website to crawl better.

Sitemaps showcase the entire hierarchy of your website which helps you to better ranking on Google.

SEO plugins like Yoast and Rankmath provide inbuild feature to automatically generate a sitemap. Learn How to configure sitemap with Yoast and RankMath.

19.1 Configure Sitemap Using Yoast SEO:


19.2 Configure Sitemap Using RankMath:


This is how you can active Sitemap for your WordPress website.

20. Setup Google Search Console

After setting up Sitemap now its time to Google Search Console for your website.

Google search console helps you to understand your website performance and metrics. Also, it helps you to check the blog post ranking.

Google Webmaster is also beneficial in indexing, AMP, and Mobile Friendly checks. It also helps you to determine any manual or security issues.

You can read my ultimate guide to Google Search Console and learn how to use google webmaster tools to improve SEO.

21. Keywords are Important

Keywords are Super Important.

Many of the bloggers do this mistake. They don’t know for what keyword they are going to write about. They are just producing content.

I would recommend before writing any post keep your focus keyword in your mind.

My Keyword Research eBook will definetly help you in mastering Keyword Research.

You should also not avoid adding focus keyword to your post headline, URL, and Content. It helps you to improve search engine ranking and better rank on Google.

Even Google Says,


Therefore, keywords are super super important and you should learn how to use them at the right place.

22. Don’t Miss Focus Keyword

We just talked about Keywords Importance. Let’s see Why focus keyword is also Important to improve SEO of the blog post.

The focus keyword is the keyword on which you wish to rank for.

When you start writing an article, you wish to rank on a certain keyword and try to combine that keyword aka focus keyword in between content and headlines.

SEO tools like RankMath and Yoast Plugins give you the opportunity to add focus keyword and based on that it suggest few things which help you to improve SEO of the blog post.


It is easy to write content for the audience when you think of your focus keyword because it is the best SEO practice.

There are certain SEO practices you should follow like

  • Having a Keyword Density of 0.5 to 1.5 is ideal.
  • Including Focus Keyword in Headings & Sub-Headings.
  • Inserting Related Phrases.
  • Keeping Focus Keyword in first and last 100 words.

Don’t mess with your keyword. Generally people do and the mess with the SEO of the website.

23. Use Alt Tag in Images

Images are super important.

You must have heard of including images helps you to improve SEO and ranking of the website. Yes, it’s true.

But you can boost search engine ranking just by adding Alt Tag to your image. Especially, add focus keyword (if possible).

Remember, Keep it Simple and Descriptive.

  • <img src=”imageName.jpg ” alt=”image description” title=”image title” />

Also, alt tags are used by Google and other search engines to determine the relevancy of the image to the content around it.

If you haven’t added alt tags to your images do it now:


You can do it inside your block editor. Simply tap on the image and click on Block. Then add it.

24. Add Image Title

Image title are not used by search engines and they don’t have any impact on WordPress SEO.

It’s your choice to add a title to the images but adding Title tag to images enhance your user experience which results in lower bounce rate.


Simply, open your media library or edit image. Type the title of your image.

25. Embed Video Content

The biggest reason to embed video in your blog is to reduce bounce rate.

Videos are entertaining, interesting, and a great source of learning. Not every visitor is going to read all of your paragraphs.

Therefore, adding video to your content solves many problems and also reshapes your SEO ranking in a good way.

Video Content is likely to get more hits then simple narrative content and lower bounce rate helps you to get rank #1 in Google.

Brian Dean explained very well in his video:

26. Embed Audio Content

Podcasting is on BOOM right now.

Many bloggers started Podcasting and getting fairly great results in SEO.

Adding audio to your blog post helps you to get high session duration on your website which results in higher search engine ranking.


Let me know below in comments, whether you added audio or not.

27. Create Infographics

Do you know human process visual data better?

Yes, even 60,000 times faster.

Infographics are informative, attractive, and full of content. Also, Visual make content easy to understand.

Using tools like Canva solves all your problems. They offer pre-built templates for FREE and they are really engaging.

27.1 How to create Infographics using Canva?

Step 1: Browse canva.com from your browser and select Infographics from the homepage.


Step 2: Select Template and Start Building


Here at Neil Patel blog, you can see how infographics can help you to generate thousands of visitors.

28. Study your Analytics

The only way you can know your audience is only by reading your Google Analytics Report.

Understanding your analytics helps you to organise, improve, and produce content accordingly.

Also, it benefits you to understand how your WordPress SEO is performing.


This was my 2019 report which helps me to improve some weak points and in 2020 I am getting reasonable results.

29. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Google announced mobile-first indexing in 2016 which means Google will rank all your pages based on its mobile version.

That means Mobile pages are extra valuable.

I would recommend adding your website to google webmaster from where you can run Mobile Usability Tests.


Have a closer look:


To test your website, run google mobile-friendly test and if your website is not mobile-friendly, then take that task on priority because without that you can’t boost SEO ranking.


30. Make Browser Compatible

If you’re a WordPress user then you can skip this point because nearly every WordPress website is compatible to all browsers.

But if you host your own custom designed website then you must follow this step.

Wikipedia Says, Nearly 62.48% of visitors come from Google Chrome, 19.94% from Safari, and rest from other browsers.


Therefore, you should never avoid browser compatibility of your website.

31. Send Social Media Signals

Social Media Engagement is a very profitable path to gain search engine ranking. Why?

Because if any post is gaining lots of Facebook shares, Retweets, etc then chance are high that the content is going to be relevant in the eyes of Google.

See what Matt Cutts says on Google Webmaster Youtube channel:

As you heard from Matt Cutts, they do use social media signal as a ranking factor and also the REPUTATION of the individual.

Therefore, it’s super important to build a brand on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels.

32. Enable Social Sharing

Sharing content over social media can generate a massive amount of traffic. Ask people to share your content.

You can see below, Backlinko Guide to SEO is shared more than 21k times. Huge Right?


As we discussed above, in order to improve SEO, social media signals play a very significant role and to let people share your content you should include some social sharing button to your WordPress post.

Remember, people share if they find resource helpful.

Follow this guide to learn how to add social sharing buttons to WordPress.

33. Fix Meta-Description

A well-written meta description helps you to increase the CTR (Click Through Rate) in Google search results.

Plus, the higher your CTR, Google will get a positive signal for your content, which results in higher search engine ranking.

As you can see below, SERP contains Title and Meta-Description of your post.


Remember, Google uses their own meta-description as per the keyword sometimes.

Also, it’s recommended to use your focus keyword in meta description which helps you to gain SEO ranking in SERP.

Google highlights the keywords from your meta-description which gives an extra edge to a user to click.

33.1 How to add meta description in Yoast?

Edit your post and navigate to the bottom of the page, inside Yoast setting you’ll find below snippet editor.


33.2 How to add meta description in RankMath?

Edit your post and navigate to rank math settings, you’ll find below options to edit your meta-description.


34. Fix Title and URL

Title of your post is very crucial and it has direct impact on SEO and ranking of your post.

If you’re not great at finding the right title for your post, you’ll be losing numerous things such as Visitors, Ranking, Lead, and Sales.

As we discussed the importance of the meta-description, Title is far important then.

Did you know? If your focus keyword appears in your title and URL your chance of ranking may increase by 67%.

In order to find the right title for your post, you should focus on Keyword Research and start analyzing your competitors.

First, decide what you’re going to write about and then look for the top 10 SERP results and their titles.


Similarly, URL selection is also very significant and it should be clear and short. Also, avoid using STOP words in your URL.

35. Create a SILO Structure

You must hear of SILO. It is a way of organizing website content into a hierarchical way and categorizing it.

SILO structure website improves the user experience because it’s easy to navigate and also boost search engine ranking.


Organizing our content in SILO way helps search engine to better crawl your website and rank your all related post and pages.

Using SILO structure on your website you can utilize all your backlinks coming to your homepage. If somebody links to your homepage then all link juice and authority will be passed through SILO pages to your posts.

This is way you can do smart work instead of hard work.

36. Create Linkable Content

Mass Producing Content is not Worthy.

People link to valuable resources. Therefore, provide value to your visitors in order to get backlinks.

If you’re not doing micro-niche blogging then you should avoid writing content for targeted users.

Majorly I create comprehensive guides which are easy to link by other bloggers. See example below:


These are my few guide which are easy to link by content creators.

37. Jumble The Keyword

This SEO technique you should follow while writing a blog post.

Don’t stick to just one single keyword. Avoid keyword stuffing in your post.

Let’s take an example:

Suppose, you’re writing a post “best books to read in 2020” and same is your focus keyword.

Lots of newbie blogger stuff that particular keyword everywhere and that results in Google penalty.

Google will identify you that you’re doing some turmoil and never let you rank on that keyword.


Instead, jumble your keywords and make 5-10 keywords out of that and include everywhere in the post.

This way you can avoid keyword stuffing and chances are high to rank on every single keyword on Google.

38. Use LSI Keyword

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are related terms or phrases that search engines use to genuinely understand the content of a webpage.

In the early days, Google identifies the relevancy of a webpage by finding the keyword only on the page.

Today, to determine the relevancy of the content Google finds LSI keywords everywhere such as inside Title, URL, Content, Image ALT text.

Remember, LSI keywords are not Synonyms. Instead, they are related terms.

Let’s take an exmple:

Suppose you have a keyword “cold coffee”.

LSI keywords for “cold coffee” would be “recipe”, “calories”, “maker”, “benefits”, etc.

Best way to find LSI keyword is Google autosuggest. Type your keyword and you’ll find all LSI keywords people are searching for.


This way you can include LSI keywords in your blog post and impove your ranking factor.

39. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long Tail Keywords are combinations of three or four keywords that you are trying to rank for.

It’s easier to rank on Long Tail keywords because they’re low in competition.

For Example: You are writing on “Best Cameras” this is a general keyword.

  • Best Cameras for Vlogging.
  • Best Cameras for begineers.
  • Best Cameras for Photography under 50k.
  • Best Cameras for Youtube Videos.

These are some examples of Long Tail Keywords.

As you can see below, competition on “best cameras” is pretty hard.


Whereas, it’s easier to rank on long tail keywrord “best home security cameras”


If you’re absolute beginner, then I would recommend start competing for Long Tail Keyword.

40. Track Your Keyword Ranking

This is my personal method to increase search engine ranking on google.

I use this technique to rank my post on the 1st page of Google if it’s already there under top 25 results.

When you rank on a certain keyword, chances are high you’re going to rank on some other keywords as well.

Use tools like ahrefs and semrush, to track on which keyword you’re ranking for.


First, Focus on Long-Tail keywords and keywords that are near to the first page.

Later, improve your post with respect to those keywords by including their LSI keywords in content, adding some more headings, and infographics.

You’ll see results.

41. Check Keyword Trend

Not every keyword is searched throughout the year except few of them.

For example, seasonal keywords like Jackets and Boots are heavily searched during the Winter season.

Therefore, I would recommend checking Google trends before writing any post.

Headover to Google Trends, enter your desired keyword. Hit ENTER


You’ll see couple of results and a graphical representaion.


As you can see, for keyword “best laptop” interest overtime increased in between Oct’19 and Dec’19. Similarly, interest is decreased somewhere in March’20

You can also check how a particular keyword is performing in a region. That may help you in targeting country-wise traffic.

In addition, Google trends also helps you to generate new topic ideas.

42. Optimize Old Content

This is the skyscraper techniqie to rank any blog post in search engine.

Google consider the freshness of the content. Therefore, modifying your existing post helps you to achieve constant positive feedback from Google.

For example, a review written for any affiliate product in the year 2019 needs your attention.

Best Hosting Provider 2019 can be updated to Best Hosting Provider 2020.

The formula is simple, if you’re not doing according to the intent of user then Google won’t rank it.

No one is interested in reading old content that you wrote in 2015.

43. Target Brand New Keywords

You might be searching for a low competition keyword.

What makes a keyword low competitive?

A keyword on which fewer people are writing for. More people try to rank on a keyword more it becomes competitive.

Finding the brand new keyword solves all your problem naturally because it’s low in competition.

For example, keywords like “SEO” and “Backlinks” are highly competitive because they’re being searched for many years.

Similarly, Keywords related to the latest trends such as “Tesla Truck”, “Smart Glasses”, “SmartWears”, are new to the market and they will become highly competitive in some time.

Therefore, you have a chance. GRAB it.

44. Try Partnerships With Bloggers

Content partnership helps in Content promotion because you can drive traffic from different sources.

When you collaborate with other bloggers in your niche, you got the chance to promote your content from their social media channels and blog.


One of the example of content partnership is Guest Blogging.

Guest blogging is a proven technique which helps you to drive more traffic, resulting in better search engine ranking.

Similarly, Backlink exchange is another tactic you can follow.

45. Submit Sitemap to Search Engines

I would recommend not to only focus on ranking your blog post on Google. Other search engines are also important.

If your audience is Global then Submitting your sitemap to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yandex may give you SEO benefits.

Below guide may help you:

46. Ping Search Engines

Whenever you publish a new post, don’t forget to ping search engines.

Tell them. Hey! I have published a new post.

Best way to ping Google is Force Indexing your URL in Gooogle Search Console.


This will help your post to index fast in Google.

You can also add some update service URLs in WordPress, which automatically ping the majority search engines by itself.


Folks using blogger can visit pingomatic.com and enter their URL.

47. Install SSL Certificate

Google officially said, “HTTPS is a ranking factor“.


To improve your website SEO, you must need to install an SSL certificate on your website.

Most of the Hosting plans provide an SSL certificate for FREE.

Cloudflare CDN is another way to get SSL for FREE.

Also, not having an SSL on your website gives a bad impression on your visitors.

With and Without SSL "Improves SEO Ranking"

If you haven’t installed SSL on your website. Do it first.

48. Use CDN

Using CDN doesn’t have any direct impact on search engine ranking but CDN can be beneficial in some other way. For example:

  • Free SSL.
  • Fast Loading Website.
  • Less Downtime.
  • Easy Caching.
  • Image Optimization.

You can read our detailed guide to Cloudflare CDN to understand in deep.

49. SEO Audits

Now you have optimized your website for search engines. Now it’s time to perform some SEO audits.

The best way to check how well your website is optimized is by using tools like seositecheckup.com, woorank.com, and neilpatel.com offer free SEO audit tools.

neilpatel seo audit to "improve search engine ranking"
seositecheckup seo audit to "boost seo ranking"

These tools provide FREE SEO audits and they also have some premium plan. I would recommend conducting SEO audits once a month is necessary.

50. Reduce Bounce Rate

When a user visits your website and exit from the single page that is known as bounce-back of the user and the same is calculated as bounce rate of a website.

If users are not sticking to your website that means you’re lacking somewhere and you need to pay attention.

We many time discussed how slow loading website or poor navigation increases your bounce rate which has a bad impact on search engine ranking positions.

In order to achive a great SERP results you need to reduce your bounce rate.

Few are the tips to achive less bounce rate.

  • Create High-Quality Content.
  • InterLink Your Content.
  • Avoid Popups.
  • Improve Website Loading Speed.

51. Focus and Wait

Last but not the least, this is my personal favourite and I am following it from 2016, the day when I started Blogging.

When you start any business whether online or offline you must focus on what you’re doing.

Success is not achieved overnight and you have to pay attention and wait for the results.

Throughout my journey I see many newbie bloggers, eagerly waiting for their first income just by keeping an eye on successful bloggers.

Things are not going to work like this. To achieve a higher position in Google or to sell the first affiliate product you need to FOCUS and WAIT.

Now it’s Your Turn…

I hope above 51 ways willl help you to improve search engine ranking.

Now it’s your turn to share this post

Plus, Let me know in the comment section what tactics you’re going to follow to rank your website higher in Google?

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